Rules for obtaining images formed by concave lenses | cbse24

 Rule1: A ray of light which is parallel to the principal axis of a concave lens,appears to coming from its focus after refraction through the lens.

Rule2: A ray of light passing through the optical centre of a concave lens goes straight after passing through the lens.

Rule3: A ray of light going towards the focus of a concave lens,becomes parallel to its principal axis after refraction through the lens.

Formation of image by a concave lens

Case1:When an object is placed anywhere between optical centre(C) and ∞ in front of a concave lens,the image formed is
  1. Between optical centre(C) and focus(F)
  2. Virtual and erect
  3. Diminished(smaller than the object)
Example of case1

Case2: When an object is at ∞ from a concave lens,the image formed is
  1. At focus(F)
  2. Virtual and erect
  3. Highly diminished (much smaller than the object)

Use of Concave Lenses

  1. Concave lenses are used in spectacles to correct the defect of vision myopia(or short sightedness)
  2. Concave lens is used as eye-lens in Galilean telescope.
  3. Concave lenses are used in combination with convex lenses to make high quality lens system for optical instrument.
  4. Concave lens is used in wide angle spyhole in doors.


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